How much thrust do I need?
As a general rule we recommend the following:
12V 55lb – Boats size under 17′
24V 80lb – Boats 17′-24′
36V 120lb – Boats 22′-42′
These are general recommendations and can change depending on the conditions the system may be operated in. If you plan on operating in rough conditions or heavy current, you may want to move to the next size larger unit. Larger vessels can benefit from using two motors.
How do I become a dealer?
Please see the dealer page for requirements and applications for dealers.
What is the warranty?
Rhodan GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motors include a 2 year warranty.
Why does my FOB not work?
Check the battery in the FOB and replace if necessary, the voltage should read above 3V. If the battery is charged ensure the FOB you are using has been learned to the motor, if not check manual for FOB programming. If your motor has LED’s on the rear cover, the right LED should change from green to amber when a button is pressed. If you have tried to relearn the FOB and change the battery without success, please contact Rhodan service at
My motor does not beep for power up?
If the motor does not beep at startup it is not seeing power to the system. Check connection at batteries, circuit breaker, and plug if equipped. The middle LED should illuminate Green when the batteries are fully charged.
What size shaft do I need?
Using the formula below will be adequate for most boats in calm conditions. If rough conditions occur we recommend moving up a size in shaft length. Shaft lengths are 48″, 54″, 60″, 72″, 84″, 96″, 108″.
(Bow Height”) + 24″ +(Wave Height”/2) = (Shaft Length”)
What is the LineX®?
LineX is similar to the LineX truck bed liner and is sprayed on the lower unit. This is a standard option on all new lower units to protect against rocks, oysters, stumps, docks, etc.
How long do the batteries last?
This can vary between boats. A system in anchor mode only on a calm day can last multiple days. Average fishing conditions will usually allow a minimum 8 hour day of fishing without charging dependent on batteries.
What is the largest boat the motor is recommended for?
The 36V motor with a 108” shaft is recommended for boats up to 42′ and 15,000 lbs. If a vessel weighs more than 15,000 lbs, we recommend two motors.
What boat sizes do you recommend for your motors?
Our motors are offered for kayaks, canoes, skiffs, flats boats, bay boats, and offshore vessels up to 42′ and 15,000 lbs.
Will the HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor work in other countries?
The GPS Anchor Trolling Motor’s computer compensates for magnetic variation (declination) worldwide. It uses the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) Model to determine the compass corrections. The system uses Space Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) such as WAAS or EGNOS to provide a remarkable sub-meter accuracy. Where this service is unavailable, the accuracy may be lessened to about two meters (or less) which will still provide satisfactory performance.
How accurate is the Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor?
The Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor utilized a high definition GPS receiver that is capable of an accuracy less than 1 meter. The performance of the system in Anchor Mode® is dependent upon fishing conditions (wind, current, etc.) but generally holds the spot remarkably well! If you are not satisfied with the anchor position at any time, a simple click of any of the directional arrows moves (jogs) the anchor spot by 5 feet relative to the boat.
What are the battery requirements?
This obviously depends on the size of your boat, the amount of available space, and the intended use. If you often fish in tournaments, then you will want as much battery capacity as you can fit. If your fishing habits include fishing for only a few hours a day in calm waters, then a smaller battery may suit your needs. We recommend Group 27, or 31 size batteries depending on use requirements.
Why can’t the Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor record more than 4 fishing spots?
You can! The Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor has a total of 12 memories, four for each mode. Therefore you can use the Manual mode to store fishing spots, or even the Track Mode if you don’t need four tracks.
Will the Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor maintain the boat’s position in a fast current?
The Rhodan HD GPS Anchor+® Trolling Motor will typically counteract 2-3 knot current unaided with a properly sized motor. If the current overpowers the trolling motor, you may need a dual motor installation.
Will the Trolling Motor scare away the fish?
The system is very quiet during operation. It is an excellent tool for many fishermen and has been used to catch many fish!